Single tank on site

Production method​

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How does single tank on site work?

Transporting large tanks is often a challenge. Although many things are possible, transporting tanks by road or water is not always an (attractive) option. On some occasions, installation on a client’s premises is infeasible, such as when a tank needs to be hoisted into a plant building by crane, but there’s no access to allow it to happen. In cases like these, we can construct the tank on site. Our proprietary coil building system enables us to work efficiently on sites around the world – we produce the complete tank on site.

Bouwmethode: multiple tanks on site

A number of containers of material and machinery are transported to the location, together with the team (which includes welders). Once at the location, we set up our proprietary coil building system on site as the basis for the tank construction. Our machinery unrolls a stainless steel sheet for one hull section, cuts it to size and then welds it automatically. Once the first layer of the tank is complete, computer-guided hydraulic lifts raise the hull section so that the next section can be inserted in the same way. The tank is constructed step by step from the bottom. All work is carried out efficiently and at workable height.

Gpi Tanks XL only uses stainless steel for its tanks. Stainless steel offers exceptional strength and corrosion resistance, and there is a stainless steel type available for virtually all industries and uses. We often work with types 304(L) and 316(L) and various types of duplex, but other types are also an option. When deciding which material to use, understanding its final use is extremely important. Our experts would be happy to advise on the most suitable materials. Learn more about stainless steel.

To safeguard safety and quality, we are well acquainted with different construction standards and regulations and are certified accordingly. Learn more →

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Other production methods

Tankbouw methode shop built

Shop built

Would you like to have a complete tank installed on site? We produce complete XL tanks in our production hall in Groot-Ammers.

Tankbouw: multiple tanks on site

Multiple tanks on site

If you have a larger project and would like us to construct multiple tanks on site, we can set up a multiple tanks on site project to ensure that this is done as efficiently as possible.

What our clients have to say

Tankbouw on site

Piet Beenhakker

Project manager, USG

‘We are more than happy with the results – Gpi has outstanding craftmanship and the collaboration works very well.’

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