EU standard for pressure tanks as well as pressure equipment in tanks
Within the European Union, the design and manufacture of pressure vessels but also components like heating coils in larger storage tanks is regulated by the Official Journal of the European Union contained in DIRECTIVE 2014/68/EU. The document is a directive of national regulations and a supplement to the well-known PED Directive. The heating or cooling circuit for the product contained in a tank may be considered as pressure equipment and should be designed, manufactured, installed and tested in accordance with EN 13345 prEN13480 as appropiate. It should also undergo a pressure test as required by the rules connected with the heat transfer product which it contains.
NEN-EN 13445 specifies the requirements that not only pressure vessels but also (tank) components such as the heating or cooling circuit must meet. It specifies requirements for traceability, tolerances for manufacturing, requirements for welding, requirements for permanent connections other than welding, production testing, requirements for forming, heat treatment, repairs and finishing.
Gpi products are designed and manufactured on individual request and according to the European standard. Engineers, on the basis of technical specifications, calculate, optimise and select the material which will be resistant to the stored substance.
Gpi trusts only the highest quality stainless steel, which guarantees quality and corrosion resistance. Strength calculations based on the specified standard are carried out by an experienced team of specialists from the design department. Designers precisely determine the wall thicknesses in the tanks and other operating parameters. Gpi specialists are familiar with all aspects of manufacturing industrial stainless steel tanks and know exactly how to optimise a given tank in terms of size, wall thickness, material and components selection to make it functional, safe and cost-effective.
Material identification for stainless steel tanks
Material identification is fundamental to be able to safely build and use a steel structure. The EN13445-3:2021 standard specifies in detail the range of temperatures and the type of material that can be used in the construction of stainless steel tanks. Customer receive a full material list with technical specifications, test results and quality control protocols.
Our quality control pays specific attention to the correct execution of material and tank tests like:
© Gpi 2020
Collection and use of personal data from customers, suppliers, other contractors and job applicants
We will collect and use the personal data that you directly provide us with because this is necessary to conclude and carry out any agreement with you. This applies both to our (potential) customers and to parties from whom we purchase goods and/or services. If you are a (potential) customer of ours, we use your data for sending you quotations, for determining which specifications or requirements a specific item or service must meet, for delivering goods or carrying out work for you, for invoicing you and for ease of communication regarding matters connected with the implementation of the agreement.
If you are a (potential) supplier or other contractor, your personal data is also necessary for concluding and carrying out the agreement. For purchasing, this is necessary for advising you which specifications or requirements we consider a specific item or service should meet, for sending you a quotation request or for placing an order with you, for paying your invoices and for ease of communication regarding other matters connected with the agreement. You are not obliged to provide us with your personal data. If you provide us with no or insufficient personal data, then it is possible, however, that we will not be able to perform the aforementioned activities.
If you are a temporary agency worker, we will use the data that we receive from the employment agency to assess your suitability for a current or possible future vacant position and for the performance of the employment agency agreement. We may pass your personal data/company data to other parties. These other parties could be government bodies in order to comply with the law, parties who carry out work on our behalf, or parties to whom we are obliged to provide data in connection with the agreement. This relates to the following parties:
the Tax and Customs Administration
the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
clients in the context of the Sequential Liability Act
Transfer to third parties
In connection with the performance of any agreement with you, it is possible that we will have to provide your personal data to parties that supply us with parts, materials and products or perform work on our behalf. For certain services we also use external server space for the storage of (parts of) our sales and purchasing administration in which your personal data is held. For this reason, your personal data is supplied to our server space provider. We also use Microsoft Office and the associated storage facilities for emails and other files. Your personal data is never sold on or forwarded to third parties, or used for other commercial purposes.
Direct marketing
If you regularly place orders with us or request quotations, we will store and use the personal data you have provided to inform you personally in the future by email about our existing and new products and services, and possibly to notify you about special offers. We have a legitimate interest in using your personal data for this purpose, namely to market our products and services. Every time we send you an advertising mail, you have the option to advise us that you are no longer interested in them. See the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each mailing. If you are a new contact or a once-only customer, we will only send you advertising messages if you have given us your prior consent for this.
1.4 Job Applicants
Data and documents provided by job applicants, for example via the website, will be processed in order to decide whether the applicant is eligible for a position within GPI Group. In order to properly match the selection of job applicants to the right vacancies, GPI group’s recruitment and selection process consists of comparing the applicant’s data with any vacancies and the qualifications required, possible contact with applicants for further acquaintance, and, in so far as applicable, contacting the referees/educational institutions provided.
In addition, the data can be processed to provide information to the applicant concerned about other vacancies or positions for which the applicant might be eligible. Furthermore, the data may be used to send general information to the job applicant, for example about the GPI Group’s organisation.
Initially, the applicant’s personal data will be collected through personal and/or telephone contact with the applicant, referees and/or educational institutes, or further information provided in writing. Data from public sources may also be consulted.
GPI Group only processes personal data that could be relevant to the recruitment and selection procedure. In any event, this will include data such as that which has been provided by the job applicant like curriculum vitae (CV), name and address details, other contact information, gender, applicant’s date of birth and possibly a photograph. Additionally, the applicant’s education, courses taken, internships and employment history can also be relevant. If required for the job function, applicants can be asked to undergo a psychological test or other form of assessment. In this case, those involved in carrying it out will be provided with the personal data necessary for the purposes of the test or assessment.